Montessori Method – Education for Life
Montessori Method – Education for Life
Talent or abilities can appear in any form, but may need drawing out in order to shine
Our five pillars give us the strength to provide a nurturing environment for every child to shine their brightest.
There’s even magic in our motivation.
Dr. Montessori
At Green Walnut, we follow Montessori methodology to nurture our children. Our focus area is divided into three categories based on the child’s age – Pre-Schooler, Toddler and Babies.
At Green Walnut we encourage children to recognize and value their own abilities, talents and achievements.
Talent or abilities can appear in any form, but may need drawing out in order to shine.
Our children grow and develop in a Prepared environment to shine to their best potential.
At Green Walnut, we start to encourage and nurture our children much earlier than most nurseries, by providing opportunities according to age and stage of development of the child.
At Green Walnut we provide Opportunities to discover.
We nurture the happiness of our children, in an enabling and happy environment, so that it instills for the long term.
Our infants safely explore in presence of loving caregivers.
The classroom design fosters our young child’s emerging independence and desire for exploration. The environments are designed to promote the child’s growth in all areas of development.
Additionally, our programs provide support and guidance for families through parent partnership and parent/child group experiences.
Our 5 pillars, nurturing staff, and researched curriculum ensure the child’s growth in all areas of development.
Montessori Method – Education for Life
Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from difficult situation. Deal with the ups and downs of life. Researcher found children with high level of self esteem and self confidence are more likely to be more resilient and better at dealing with life as they get older.
Factors for the health and wellbeing of children are:
Emotional security